Generative AI Data Engine

Powering the Next Frontier of AI.

Trusted by the world's most ambitious AI teams.Meet our customers


Generative AI Data Engine

Enables rapid creation of tailored, high-quality datasets curated by vetted subject matter experts to train the world’s most advanced models.

Scale's Generative AI Data Engine combines automation and human intelligence to rapidly generate training data tailored to your specific AI goals and data needs

Experts are the new GPUs. The largest AI labs are spending huge amounts of money, like huge amounts of money to acquire more valuable tokens, either paying experts to generate it, working through labeling companies like Scale AI or others.

Nat Friedman

Investor, Entrepreneur, and Former CEO of GitHub

Scale's Generative AI Data Engine combines automation and human intelligence to rapidly generate training data tailored to your specific AI goals and data needs.

Build AI

Improve Your Models By Improving Your Data

High-quality training data, curated by subject matter experts, is crucial for developing powerful, accurate, Generative AI models.

Key Features

Enabling the Next Generation of LLMs

Scale has deep experience providing the data underpinning the most advanced LLMs.

Ops Center for Quality Control

Real-time visibility into data collection and curation

Experts, Linguists, and Coders

Access a global network of hand-picked experts across diverse fields to build the highest quality datasets

Improved Models

Train your models with advanced datasets delivered through our purpose-built infrastructure

Increased Efficiency

Faster, more cost-effective dataset creation

Model Evaluation

Scale proactively finds and surfaces model weaknesses, including targeted red-teaming.

Responsible Development

Upholding privacy, fairness, transparency and ethics


Powering the next generation of Generative AI

Scale Generative AI Data Engine powers the most advanced LLMs and generative models in the world through world-class RLHF, data generation, model evaluation, safety, and alignment.

AI Text Generator

Scale Data Engine Demos


Case Studies & Resources

We've worked with the world's leading AI labs for years, and developed more high-quality data than anybody else.

The future of your industry starts here.